How's the Serenity?

It's true, we've descended from our tower in the sky and have taken up residence amongst the elderly and the breeders.  Welcome to the burbs...*shudder*

Why did we move? We enjoyed our concrete castle for 3 years, and I guess we wanted things, such as a car space, which we didn't want to pay city prices for. We ended up finding a unit at Coorparoo which is next door to a couple of high-rises, a cinema, 3 grocery shops, 4 bottle-os, and a bunch of restaurants. So really, it's not too burb-y. Actually it's teeming with more young people than our end of the city at the Meriton was.

Highlights of our first week - waking up to a cockroach jammed in the coffee machine (like proper jammed, his feeler was poking out and Ize had to get a screwdriver to pull it apart to get him out cause he was stuck in there for a couple of days), and hearing our neighbours bone. Several times.  I'm talking being woken up at 2.30am thinking people were fighting, but it was just some broad screaming 'OH MY GOD, OH FUCK!' out the window above ours. We then proceeded to hear her throwing up. 

Ah, how's the serenity?