My best buddy and I used to write stories together back in high school. You’ve never produced a weirder and more fun thing to read when you take turns with other weirdo to write a paragraph each. Not having to commit to a plot or take responsibility for a story really frees you to just open up the old weirdo-valve and write the kind of hilarious weird shit that usually has no place anywhere.
I thought to myself a little while ago - hey I could make a website where people could do just that! How amazing would that be? Not only is it a unique and fun idea, but I bet i could make lots of money off it rubbing my hands greedily together Oh yeah, I’ve found the thing that’s gonna make me rich.
Fast forward 20 mins and I’ve already found a handful of very well established sites that are already doing precisely that, and frankly, quite well. So what else could I do but let that dream die and sign up to my favourite one:
It’s hilarious - join me if you like writing weird shit! In a nutshell, Foldingstory:
You have 180 characters
You have 3 mins to write
You can only see the previous person’s entry
Each story ends after 10 lines
Once you’ve submitted your line, you can see all previous.
When 10 lines are done, the story is locked and people can like your line and you get points. Some people have thousands and thousands of points. I have 38.
Naturally, each story is a glorious train wreck.
Here is a sample. I did the last line. Remember each person can only see the prior person’s entry when they write theirs, so no-one really knows what the story is about until it’s over: